Dynatrol® Density System can be used to measure sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid application software is written to use the temperature and density information that comes from the CL-10HY cell to calculate product baume, density at a reference temperature, specific gravity and percent concentration.
Automation Products, Inc. uses the same reference tables used by sulfuric acid manufacturers to cross check results generated by our sulfuric acid software. The CL-10HY and Series 2000 combination have been used to measure sulfuric acid for automobile batteries, and low concentration sulfuric acid mixing. It has also been used to measures high concentration sulfuric acid in chlorine drying towers as well as very high sulfuric acid concentrations in mixing and make up applications. The Dynatrol® Density Cells can be supplied with tantalum media contact parts as well as Carpenter 20 and other alloys that can be chosen for your specific application.